Daily values

Data: Patscherkofel mountain station (2000m)
DateWednesday, March 26, 2025
Weather statusLight snow showers, sun and clouds
Snowdepth70 cm
New snow2 cm

Summary of today's weather forecast

Sun and clouds in the mix. From the early morning until until early morning, fog is rather likely. Around during forenoon, it will be mostly cloudy or overcast. From midday till in the afternoon, with variable cloudiness some loosening is possible. From during late evening till the first half of the night, it is changeable with snow showers, but also loosening up. Around midnight, cloudy, it should snow at times and rather lightly. Daily sum fresh snow in the order of 2 - 5 cm, snow-rain limit 1400 - 1700 m. Around 3 - 5 h sun. Mean wind 5 - 15 km/h from main wind sector northwest. Temperatures -4 up to 4 °C.
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section ILift opened
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section IILift opened
Rope Tow PatscherkofelLift opened
Heiligwasser LiftLift opened
ConveyorLift opened
Kids LiftLift opened
Rope Tow IglsLift closed

1Olympic runSlope opened
2World Cup slopeSlope opened
3Family descentSlope opened
3aFamily descentSlope opened
4Giant slalom race courseSlope opened
5Olympic runSlope opened
5aOlympic runSlope opened
6Family descentSlope opened
6aFamily descentSlope opened
6bFamily descent (Access Olympic run)Slope closed
6cFamily descentSlope opened
7Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
8Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
9Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
10Kofele's children's landSlope opened
10aKofele's children's landSlope opened
11Practice Meadow IglsSlope closed

The Patscherkofel cable car in Innsbruck

Discover Innsbruck's backyard mountain

The Patscherkofel, Innsbruck's backyard mountain, is the perfect excursion destination all year round. The outdoor Mecca high above the city invites you to go skiing and snowboarding in winter with perfectly groomed pistes, while in summer you can conquer Innsbruck's local mountain on a variety of hiking and biking trails.

The impressive view of Innsbruck and the surrounding mountain peaks make the Patscherkofel, which can be reached quickly by cable car from Innsbruck Igls, a highlight for the whole family. With a wide range of events and activities, the Patscherkofel also offers unforgettable experiences in every season.


The fun park above the city

Kofel Sport

Discover Innsbruck's backyard mountain
Kofel Sport

Kinder Kofel

Kofele's Children's Land and skiing fun
Kinder Kofel

Kofel Culinary

Our restaurants
Kofel Culinary

Events of Innsbruck's backyard mountain

Variety for all the senses

Feast your eyes on the panorama, listen to the sounds of music high above Innsbruck, smell the aroma of local delicacies, taste the nuances of the Alps with every bite and feel yourself in nature - all this and much more is possible with the well-filled and varied backyard mountain event calendar.

Winter Mountain Yoga every Friday from 12.01.2024 on / 2.30 – 3.45 pm

From January 10th 2025 on we will offer Mountain Yoga lessons every Friday and every Sunday in the beautiful Yoga room at the mountain station of Patscherkofelbahn with an fantastic view to the snowy mountains and to Innsbruck.

Meeting point every Friday: 2.00 pm at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

Meeting point every Sunday: 10.00 am at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

You will get a reduced Yogi Ticket of – 30%: Adult € 21,70 / Senior € 20,60 / Youth € 18,50 / Child € 11,90 for a two-way-ticket The tickets are availabel at the Patscherkofelbahn. Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.

Yoga lession (1 h 15 min): € 18,- per person or devalue with block of 10 lessions (€ 155,- / valid for all Yoga lessions from Moni – at Patscherkofel or in Zirl)

Only with registration. Please take yourself your own yoga mat.

Direct registration and payment to: Moni Brachmayer-Jauk +43 (0) 699 – 180 13000 (whatsApp or sms) or moni@soulinmotion.at www.soulinmotion.at, www.yogasummit.at

Operation Patscherkofelbahn: 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Last valley trip with Patscherkofelbahn: 4.00 pm Parking tickets will be refunded.

Winter Mountain Yoga every Sunday / 10.30 – 11.45 am

From January 10th 2025 on we will offer Mountain Yoga lessons every Friday and every Sunday in the beautiful Yoga room at the mountain station of Patscherkofelbahn with an fantastic view to the snowy mountains and to Innsbruck.

Meeting point every Friday: 2.00 pm at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

Meeting point every Sunday: 10.00 am at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

You will get a reduced Yogi Ticket of – 30%: Adult € 21,70 / Senior € 20,60 / Youth € 18,50 / Child € 11,90 for a two-way-ticket The tickets are availabel at the Patscherkofelbahn. Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.

Yoga lession (1 h 15 min): € 18,- per person or devalue with block of 10 lessions (€ 155,- / valid for all Yoga lessions from Moni – at Patscherkofel or in Zirl)

Only with registration. Please take yourself your own yoga mat.

Direct registration and payment to: Moni Brachmayer-Jauk +43 (0) 699 – 180 13000 (whatsApp or sms) or moni@soulinmotion.at www.soulinmotion.at, www.yogasummit.at

Operation Patscherkofelbahn: 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Last valley trip with Patscherkofelbahn: 4.00 pm Parking tickets will be refunded..

Winter Mountain Yoga every Friday from 12.01.2024 on / 2.30 – 3.45 pm

From January 10th 2025 on we will offer Mountain Yoga lessons every Friday and every Sunday in the beautiful Yoga room at the mountain station of Patscherkofelbahn with an fantastic view to the snowy mountains and to Innsbruck.

Meeting point every Friday: 2.00 pm at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

Meeting point every Sunday: 10.00 am at the Valley Station of Patscherkofelbahn.

You will get a reduced Yogi Ticket of – 30%: Adult € 21,70 / Senior € 20,60 / Youth € 18,50 / Child € 11,90 for a two-way-ticket The tickets are availabel at the Patscherkofelbahn. Freizeitticket Tirol is valid.

Yoga lession (1 h 15 min): € 18,- per person or devalue with block of 10 lessions (€ 155,- / valid for all Yoga lessions from Moni – at Patscherkofel or in Zirl)

Only with registration. Please take yourself your own yoga mat.

Direct registration and payment to: Moni Brachmayer-Jauk +43 (0) 699 – 180 13000 (whatsApp or sms) or moni@soulinmotion.at www.soulinmotion.at, www.yogasummit.at

Operation Patscherkofelbahn: 8.30 am – 4.00 pm Last valley trip with Patscherkofelbahn: 4.00 pm Parking tickets will be refunded.

**8 verschiedene Workshops.
5 beliebte Lehrer.
2 Räume.
1 Berg.

**Was dich erwartet:
**• Vinyasa-Flow to the beat of your heart
• Armbalancen Anfänger
• Armbalancen Fortgeschrittene
• Slow Flow
• Handstand Workshop
• YinYoga & Soundbath
• Yogaflow & Klangmeditation
• Yin&Yang Moves

**Jesira Jörn, Xheni Dyrmishi, Kira Cook, Steffi Umlauf & natürlich Moni Brachmayer-Jauk.

Workshops 10-12 Uhr & 13-15 Uhr


Dein Beitrag für 4 Workshops: € 108,-
Limitiert auf 30 TeilnehmerInnen!

 Anmeldung: moni@soulinmotion.at / +43 699 18013000

Die Patscherkofelbahn gewährt allen TeilnehmerInnen einen vergünstigten Yogi-Tarif

von -30%. Die Preise beziehen sich jeweils auf die Berg- und Talfahrt:

Erwachsene: € 21,70 / Senioren / U23: € 20,60 / Jugend: € 18,50 / Kind: € 11,90

Die Tickets sind bei der Kassa der Patscherkofelbahn erhältlich.

Das Freizeitticket Tirol ist gültig.

Betriebszeit Patscherkofelbahn: 08.30 – 16.00 Uhr

Letzte Talfahrt mit der Patscherkofelbahn: 16.00 Uhr.

Parkplatzkosten werden refundiert.

**8 verschiedene Workshops.
5 beliebte Lehrer.
2 Räume.
1 Berg.

**Was dich erwartet:
**• Vinyasa-Flow to the beat of your heart
• Armbalancen Anfänger
• Armbalancen Fortgeschrittene
• Slow Flow
• Handstand Workshop
• YinYoga & Soundbath
• Yogaflow & Klangmeditation
• Yin&Yang Moves

**Jesira Jörn, Xheni Dyrmishi, Kira Cook, Steffi Umlauf & natürlich Moni Brachmayer-Jauk.

Workshops 10-12 Uhr & 13-15 Uhr


Dein Beitrag für 4 Workshops: € 108,-
Limitiert auf 30 TeilnehmerInnen!

 Anmeldung: moni@soulinmotion.at / +43 699 18013000

Die Patscherkofelbahn gewährt allen TeilnehmerInnen einen vergünstigten Yogi-Tarif

von -30%. Die Preise beziehen sich jeweils auf die Berg- und Talfahrt:

Erwachsene: € 21,70 / Senioren / U23: € 20,60 / Jugend: € 18,50 / Kind: € 11,90

Die Tickets sind bei der Kassa der Patscherkofelbahn erhältlich.

Das Freizeitticket Tirol ist gültig.

Betriebszeit Patscherkofelbahn: 08.30 – 16.00 Uhr

Letzte Talfahrt mit der Patscherkofelbahn: 16.00 Uhr.

Parkplatzkosten werden refundiert.

All events

Skiing at backyard mountain

Fun on the slopes at Patscherkofel

As the venue for several Alpine disciplines at the 1964 and 1976 Winter Olympics and the 2012 Winter Youth Olympic Games, the Patscherkofel became internationally renowned for winter sports. Today, it continues to live up to its global reputation and combines sporting fun with an urban lifestyle and genuine enjoyment of nature.


Winter season from 2024/12/07 to 2025/04/06

Kofel Ticket

Two-way ticket
€ 31.00

Kofel Ticket

One-way ticket
€ 21.00

Day ticket

€ 49.00

until 1pm / from 12pm

€ 40.50

2 days

€ 96.00

3 days

€ 142.50

4 days

€ 175.50

5 days

€ 202.00

6 days

€ 226.00

7 days

€ 245.00

Kofel Card 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025

excl./incl. family rate
€ 457.00 / € 457.00

Season ticket winter

valid at Patscherkofel
€ 424.00

2 hours

€ 28.50

Night skiing

Heiligwasser Lift
€ 19.50

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

day ticket
€ 25.00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

half-day ticket
€ 20.00

Practice lift (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

2 hours
€ 15.50

Kofel Ticket

Two-way ticket
€ 26.50

Kofel Ticket

One-way ticket
€ 18.00

Day ticket

€ 39.50

until 1pm / from 12pm

€ 33.00

2 days

€ 77.50

3 days

€ 114.00

4 days

€ 141,50

5 days

€ 163.50

6 days

€ 181.00

7 days

€ 199.00

Kofel Card 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025

excl./incl. family rate
€ 366.00 / € 265.00

Season ticket winter

valid at Patscherkofel
€ 339.00

2 hours

€ 23.00

Night skiing

Heiligwasser Lift
€ 16.00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

day ticket
€ 20.50

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

half-day ticket
€ 16.50

Practice lift (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

2 hours
€ 12.50

Kofel Ticket

Two-way ticket
€ 29.50

Kofel Ticket

One-way ticket
€ 20.00

Day ticket

€ 44.50

until 1pm / from 12pm

€ 37.00

2 days

€ 86,50

3 days

€ 128,00

4 days

€ 159.50

5 days

€ 183.50

6 days

€ 204.50

7 days

€ 225.00

Kofel Card 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025

excl./incl. family rate
€ 412.00 / € 412.00

Season ticket winter

valid at Patscherkofel
€ 382.00

2 hours

€ 26.00

Night skiing

Heiligwasser Lift
€ 18.00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

day ticket
€ 23,00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

half-day ticket
€ 18,50

Practice lift (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

2 hours
€ 14,50

Kofel Ticket

Two-way ticket
€ 17.00

Kofel Ticket

One-way ticket
€ 11.50

Day ticket

€ 30.50

until 1pm / from 12pm

€ 25.00

2 days

€ 58.50

3 days

€ 86.50

4 days

€ 106.50

5 days

€ 122.50

6 days

€ 137.00

7 days

€ 149.00

Kofel Card 01.10.2024 - 30.09.2025

excl./incl. family rate
€ 274.00 / € 97.00

Season ticket winter

valid at Patscherkofel
€ 256.00

2 hours

€ 17.50

Night skiing

Heiligwasser Lift
€ 13.00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

day ticket
€ 16.00

Practice lifts (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

half-day ticket
€ 12.50

Practice lift (Kofele's childrens's park & Heiligwasserlift)

2 hours
€ 9.50
More details


Travel comfortably by bus, bike, on foot or come by car to Innsbruck's local mountain and experience the Kofel feeling.

Desired travel mode


We are looking forward to your visit at Patscherkofel!

Opening hours

2024/12/07 - 2025/04/06 daily from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm Evening skiing every Tue and Thu until 6.30 pm at the "Heiligwasser slope " until March 20th 2025.

Patscherkofel Betriebs GmbH Römerstraße 81 6080 Igls

Any questions?

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