Daily values

Data: Patscherkofel mountain station (2000m)
DateSaturday, March 29, 2025
Weather statusSun and clouds
Snowdepth70 cm
New snow5 cm

Summary of today's weather forecast

Only partly sunny. Around until early morning, it is cloudless for long stretches. From during forenoon up to after midday, expect a changeable mixture of clouds and loosening up. Around in the first half of the night, rather compact clouds dominate. Around the first half of the night, you should expect moderate to sometimes even heavy snowfall. At midnight, cloudy, it can snow at times and rather lightly. Daily sum fresh snow in the order of 2 - 5 cm, snow-rain limit 1500 - 1900 m. Roughly 3 - 5 h sun. Mean wind 10 - 15 km/h coming from north. Temperatures -5 up to 5 °C.
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section ILift opened
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section IILift opened
Rope Tow PatscherkofelLift opened
Heiligwasser LiftLift opened
ConveyorLift opened
Kids LiftLift closed
Rope Tow IglsLift closed

1Olympic runSlope opened
2World Cup slopeSlope opened
3Family descentSlope opened
3aFamily descentSlope opened
4Giant slalom race courseSlope opened
5Olympic runSlope opened
5aOlympic runSlope opened
6Family descentSlope opened
6aFamily descentSlope opened
6bFamily descent (Access Olympic run)Slope closed
6cFamily descentSlope opened
7Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
8Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
9Heiligwasser slopeSlope closed
10Kofele's children's landSlope opened
10aKofele's children's landSlope opened
11Practice Meadow IglsSlope closed

Alpine Garden

In harmony with nature
Alpine Garden

Botanical alpine garden & hiking along the timberline

The Patscherkofel Alpine Garden is the highest botanical garden in Austria and has been owned by the University of Innsbruck since 1930. The ideal location directly at the timberline provides the perfect environment for naturally occurring plant communities such as dwarf shrub heath, high forest and tall herbaceous vegetation. For the interested visitor (free admission), a signposted circular trail awaits with educational information on the sensitive balance of these habitats worthy of protection.

More information at Alpine Garden University of Innsbruck.