Daily values

Data: Patscherkofel mountain station (2000m)
DateFriday, March 28, 2025
Weather statusSun and clouds
Snowdepth70 cm
New snow5 cm

Summary of today's weather forecast

Only partly sunny. Around until early morning, it is cloudless for long stretches. From during forenoon up to after midday, expect a changeable mixture of clouds and loosening up. Around in the first half of the night, rather compact clouds dominate. Around the first half of the night, you should expect moderate to sometimes even heavy snowfall. At midnight, cloudy, it can snow at times and rather lightly. Daily sum fresh snow in the order of 2 - 5 cm, snow-rain limit 1500 - 1900 m. Roughly 3 - 5 h sun. Mean wind 10 - 15 km/h coming from north. Temperatures -5 up to 5 °C.
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section ILift opened
Patscherkofel Ropeway Section IILift opened
Rope Tow PatscherkofelLift opened
Heiligwasser LiftLift opened
ConveyorLift opened
Kids LiftLift closed
Rope Tow IglsLift closed

1Olympic runSlope opened
2World Cup slopeSlope opened
3Family descentSlope opened
3aFamily descentSlope opened
4Giant slalom race courseSlope opened
5Olympic runSlope opened
5aOlympic runSlope opened
6Family descentSlope opened
6aFamily descentSlope opened
6bFamily descent (Access Olympic run)Slope closed
6cFamily descentSlope opened
7Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
8Heiligwasser slopeSlope opened
9Heiligwasser slopeSlope closed
10Kofele's children's landSlope opened
10aKofele's children's landSlope opened
11Practice Meadow IglsSlope closed



Seminar room Patscherkofel and seminar room Innsbruck

The seminar and workshop rooms, 1,400 m above the city. With space for up to 34 people in the Patscherkofel seminar room, individual seating and high-quality, regional catering as desired, from the restaurant "Das Kofel". Non-binding offers and bookings via i.loeschnig@patscherkofelbahn.at (Ines Löschnig B.A.) or info@patscherkofelbahn.at.

Seminar room Patscherkofel

  1. cinema seating up to 34 people

  2. u-shaped seating for up to 22 people

  3. armchair circle up to 20 people

Seminar room Innsbruck

  1. cinema seating up to 18 people

  2. u-shaped seating for 16 people

  3. circle of armchairs up to 14 persons


  • Projector (HDMI / USB connection)

  • Screen

  • Flip chart

  • Presentation case


Uphill and downhill (room rental incl. equipment):

€ 31.00 per person
€ 300.00 per day
€ 150.00 per 1/2 day

Half-day flat rate

  • Morning 2 seminar drinks and 2 cups of coffee per person

  • Morning break with croissant

  • Lunch 1 soup (noodle soup) and 1 main course (Wiener schnitzel with chips or jacket potato with vegetables) incl. 1 small soft drink

€ 38.40 per person

All-day package

  • 2 seminar drinks and 2 cups of coffee per person in the morning

  • Morning break with croissant

  • Lunch 1 soup (noodle soup) and 1 main course (Wiener schnitzel with chips or jacket potato with vegetables) incl. 1 small soft drink

  • Afternoon break with 1 cup of coffee and 1 piece of sheet cake per person

**46,40 per person

*An alternative lunch can be arranged individually and is possible with extra charge.

Incentive program at Patscherkofel

Mountain Yoga at Patscherkofel

A Hatha Vinyasa Yoga lesson with Moni Brachmayer-Jauk in the seminar room Patscherkofel.

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Cost: € 190,00
Number: up to 10 persons

From 10 persons price on request

Conatct: Moni Brachmayer-Jauk, +43 (0)699 - 180 13000, moni@soulinmotion.at, www.soulinmotion.at

Snowshoe Hiking at Patscherkofel

with Klaus Ribis.

Duration: 1/2 day
Cost: € 150,00
Number: up to 10 persons

1 day € 300,00 up to 10 persons.

From 10 persons price on request.

Snowshoe rental possible.

Conatct: Klaus Ribis, +43 (0)664 - 2435365, mail@fuhrwerken.at

Ski tour at Patscherkofel

with a guide of Snowhow.

Duration: 1/2 day
Cost: € 400,00
Number: up to 10 persons

From 10 persons price on request.

Ski tour equipment rental at Intersport Patscherkofel possible.

Conatct: Snowhow, +43 (0)650 - 2248432, info@xhow.info